niedziela, 20 listopada 2011

Muzyka w sieci za darmo i to dla czego?!

Można by się zastanawiać nad motywacją przeróżnych muzyków co do umieszczania własnych nagrań w sieci. Steve Coleman oprócz muzyki, zamieścił na swojej stronie internetowej ( ciekawy esej odpowiadający na to pytanie.
Zamieszczam fragment tej wspaniałej wypowiedź oraz zachęcam do przeczytania całości:

"Many people have asked me what are my reasons for giving away music for free. Well, why not?  Why should everything always cost something?  For me music is organized sound that can be used as sonic symbols to communicate ideas.  Since my main goal is the communication of these ideas to the people, then why not provide this music for free and thereby facilitating the distribution of this music to the people.  However the distribution of music in this way is not in the best interest of commercial music companies, i.e. record companies, music distributors, retail stores etc.

My reasons for providing free music comes from my belief that musical ideas should not be owned by anyone.  I believe that ideas should be free for anyone to use (but not to necessarily sell to others or make others pay for the use of these ideas).  The concept of a commons area where ideas can be used for the benefit of all but for the profit of no one may seem like an unrealizable concept in the world today.  Basically greed runs the world today and it is because of this that the concept of ownership exits."
Steve Coleman, "Why do I give away some of my music",

Zachęcam również do zapoznania się z muzyką jednego z najciekawszych improwizatorów i kompozytorów sceny nowojorskiej!

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